[OpenLayers-Users] Different level of detail at different zoom
level on open layer map
Fernando Norte
fernando at globalgeo.com.br
Tue May 8 08:02:00 EDT 2012
*Fernando Norte*
Desenvolvedor SIGWeb
tel.(31) 2533.9900
cel.(31) 9119.8814
skype: fernandoglobalgeo
Endereço: Alameda do Ingá, 88, 6º andar, Vale do Sereno
Nova Lima/MG - CEP: 34.000-000
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2012/5/8 sacprasanna <sacprasanna at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> I want display different detail(layers) on different zoom level on open
> layer map.I mean when zoom in should display lot of layers and when zoom
> out
> those unsuitable layers should hide automatically. Different layers should
> display on different zoom level not using layer switcher.
> Can this do using open layers?
> If not what is the open source solution?
> If yes,Pls give some example or links to get some idea
> Thanks for reading and answering
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/Different-level-of-detail-at-different-zoom-level-on-open-layer-map-tp4960173.html
> Sent from the OpenLayers Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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