[OpenLayers-Users] Parsing WFS Filter Capabilities

sredl at ccss.cz sredl at ccss.cz
Wed May 16 08:15:38 PDT 2012

Dear all,

WFS Capabilities document contains <ogc:Filter_Capabilities> section, 
which is not parsed in the OpenLayers at all. To work with WFS Filters 
reasonably, we need to parse it.

In the


I have attached a patch that solves the basics. It introduces different 
namespaces in the WFS Capabilities parsing and parses everything what is 
needed for Comparison filters. (Stuff for other filter types, such as 
<ogc:Spatial_Capabilities> is not parsed yet.) DescribeFeatureType URL 
is also covered in the patch. WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0 is covered.

Hope some of you will find it useful.

Kind Regards,


P.S. I have also attached the patch in a different form - instead of 
modifying the current code, we have extended it in a set of independent 
definitions - this is how we currently use it before the patch is 
applied. So just in case someone would like to do the same .

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