[OpenLayers-Users] tilecache

Gery . gamejihou at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 4 07:55:23 PST 2012

thanks Diego for the tip, my MAP file has both epsg.4326 (ie. postgis tables) and epsg:900913 at the same object level, that`s why the postgis layers are displayed in openlayers over google (satellite, maps, etc...) when I use the whole link (ie. using mapserv). If I use tilecache this doesnt work, no idea why.

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> From: diegoguidi at gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 13:52:45 +0100
> Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] tilecache
> To: gamejihou at hotmail.com
> CC: openlayers-users at lists.osgeo.org
> > those are served by mapserver using an extent in decimal degrees
> you should tell mapserver to transform data to EPSG:900913
> to me, looks a wrong mapserver configuration.
> http://mapserver.org/mapfile/projection.html
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