[OpenLayers-Users] base layers with different projection in the same map

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 13:07:00 PST 2012

On Nov 7, 2012, at 2:01 AM, Sergeant_york <electronicpanda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I have some base layers which has EPSG:900913, when I change base map from
> one to another there is no problem.
> But, there is one more layer as WMS which is from another parallel universe
> and it is using EPSG:4326. (Service is providing only wms with EPSG:4326)
> The problem is when I add this new wms layer as base layer with
> map.addLayer(x) function then when I try to change baseLayer to x with
> map.setBaseLayer(x), it doesn't happen. Honestly I was expecting this.
> I searched all the sources and previous posts.
> I found some info about, using two different projection in base maps. It
> says I should change map's properties etc. The source is here:
> http://www.geoext.org/pipermail/users/2011-June/002310.html
> I did it at some rate;
> However I have many wms layers as well as many controls that works with
> EPSG:900913.
> Is there a way like "map.changeProjection()" method to change added wms
> layers' projections from one to another? Or any other option to use 2 base
> layers with 2 different projection codes? Otherwise I will be forced to
> rewrite same application for EPSG:4326 again and restart everything up to
> new projection code.

If you have access to MapServer or some other server-side WMS client, you can have it request the WMS image in 4326 and then reproject it in 900913 and send it to your user.

Puneet Kishor

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