[OpenLayers-Users] How do I set attributes when creating vectors using WFS-T?

jannesm jannesm at iki.fi
Thu Nov 15 01:04:43 PST 2012

Any ideas?

I found these links related to the issue, but most are unanswered or the
answer is a bit complex. Is there an easy way to do this?

    I want to edit corresponding postgresql data of a vector from
openlayers- how to do it?
    How to edit Attributes on WFS Layer through Popup?
    How to edit feature attributes with openlayers?
    Modify WFS with OpenLayers
    adding non spatial attributes using geoserver
    How to insert non-spatial data through WFS-T insert?

Also an example: http://dev4.mapgears.com/bdga/bdgaWFS-T.html#

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/How-do-I-set-attributes-when-creating-vectors-using-WFS-T-tp5015040p5016525.html
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