[OpenLayers-Users] very slow map using WKT Multipolygon with a lot of Points

Fabrizio Buratta extremoburo at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 09:36:00 PST 2012

2012/11/18 Sergeant_york <electronicpanda at gmail.com>

> Codes seems okay to me. The only thing that can cause performance issue
> could
> be transforming from 4326 to map projection but after initializing
> geometries it shouldn't affect the performance.
> In my opinion, you can:
> 1- Try to change renderers to get best performance.

as said in the openlayers 2.11 release notes I put the following line
before any Vector and
it is way more fast dragging which was one of my targets, so really good

OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.prototype.renderers = ["SVG2", "VML", "Canvas"];

> 2- Simplify geometries with respect to zoom levels.

Is there a method to simplify geometries automatically?

> 3- Try to keep fill opacity to 0 and stroke opacity to 1 (should be tested)

It does not change performances

> 4- Draw only the place inside the bounding box

what do you mean , I should reduce the bbox?

> These are the things which I can say, but unfortunately with many vertexes
> openlayers (even in chrome) gives a bit bad performance. So don't expect to
> get results like desktop applications.

Yes, it is still very slow loading the vertexes.... I'm thinking about
reducing the polygon vertexes, do you know any algorithm or any way to
simplify polygons?





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