[OpenLayers-Users] Not receiving any features back

Smaran Harihar smaran.harihar at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 14:07:59 PST 2012

I tried changing the 102113 to 3857, but instead of seeing layers pink
tiles start popping up. When I changed it back to 102113 it again works


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Phil Scadden <p.scadden at gns.cri.nz> wrote:

> 102113 is a deprecated EPSG, normally exclusively used for older
> arcgisServers. Does your server understand it? (My geoserver doesnt).
> The "standard" is EPSG:3857 though almost everything understands 900113
> which is OL code.
> The reason I ask is that the native projection is unlikely to 102113 so
> the server has to convert to native to perform the filter. If it doesnt
> understand 102113, then it will use the coordinates unconverted and find
> nothing. (which is what your result implies).
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Thanks & Regards
Smaran Harihar
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