[OpenLayers-Users] analyze the problem of missing files ....

Jan Tappenbeck osm at tappenbeck.net
Fri Sep 28 04:00:38 PDT 2012

HI !

i superior about the problem of file not found and now i see the 
different of file request.

--- without lat/lon/zoom in url ---

Referer: http://www.tappenbeck.net/osm/maps/deu/mobile2012.php

request for file: http://www.tappenbeck.net/osm/maps/js/utils.js

-> file found !

--- WITH lat/lon/zoom in url ---


request for file: http://www.tappenbeck.net/osm/maps/deu/js/utils.js

-> not found !!!!!

in the version of added lat/lon/zoom the programm search in a subfilder 
of DEU ! but why ??

i define in source ../js/util.js

when startfolder is http://www.tappenbeck.net/osm/maps/deu/ the 
request-folder hat to be http://www.tappenbeck.net/osm/maps/js/

i did not have any idea - you ?

regards Jan :-)

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