[OpenLayers-Users] map is there but won't display

Garey Mills gmills at library.berkeley.edu
Fri Aug 2 11:03:45 PDT 2013

Hello - I have a web app that has to open a popup window and display an
image as an OpenLayer map. The image is not georeferenced, but I do have
the pixel height and width, which I am using to create a Bounds object. I
have pulled the code out of the larger application and include it below

     The problem is that the map div does not render in the window. If I
debug with Firebug, I can see the tiled image written into the appropriate
div, and mousing over the page I can see notional boxes were the image
should display. I can also see the image when I mouse over the div code in
the debug window.

    Here is the relevant code. I am including jquery-1.6.4 and
OpenLayers-2.13.1 in the page. The page can be seen at


       if (typeof org == 'undefined'){
            org = {};
        } else if (typeof org != "object"){
            throw new Error("org already exists and is not an object");

        org.unGeoreferencedHelper = {

            image_points: { maxx: null, maxy: null, minx: null, miny: null

            success: function(data, status, jqXHR) {
                try {
                    this.image_points.maxx = data.maxx;
                    this.image_points.maxy = data.maxy;
                    this.image_points.minx = data.minx;
                    this.image_points.miny = data.miny;
                } catch(e) {

                try {
                    var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,
                } catch(e) {

//              alert("Bounds: " + bounds.toString());

                var options = { controls: [],
                                maxExtent: bounds,
                                maxResolution: 32,
                                numZoomLevels: 6,
                                projection: "EPSG:404000",
                                units: "m" };
//                                allowOverlays: true };
                var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", options);

                var abs_miny = this.image_points.miny;
                try {
                    if(abs_miny < 0) {
                        //alert("abs_miny < 0");
                        abs_miny = abs_miny * -1;
                } catch(e) {

                var image = null;

                try {
                    image =
                      new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
                        "UCB:images - Tiled",
                         LAYERS: 'UCB:images',
                         STYLES: "",
                         format: "image/jpeg",
                         palette: "safe",
                         tiled: true,
                         tilesOrigin : map.maxExtent.left + ", " +
//                       version: "1.1.1",
//                       bbox: this.image_points.minx + ", " +
this.image_points.miny + ", " + this.image_points.maxx + ", " +
//                       width: this.image_points.maxx,
//                       height: abs_miny,
//                       srs: "EPSG:404000"},
                        {buffer: 0,
                         displayOutsideMaxExtent: true,
                         isBaseLayer: true } );
                } catch(e) {

                try {
                    var succ = map.addLayer(image);
                    map.zoomToMaxExtent({ restricted: false });
                    jQuery("collection_url").attr("href", '
//                  map.render("map");
                } catch(e) {

            UGOLinit: function(/* loc, baseURL, layers, CQL, coda,
collectionURL */) {

                OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS = 5;

                // make OL compute scale according to WMS spec
                OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = 25.4 / 0.28;

                var that = this;

                /* Ajax call to gss for image size */
                   url: '
                   data: null,
                   context: that,
                   success: that.success,
                   datatype: "json"}


        jQuery(function() {




         <script type="text/javascript">
             function shutdown() {


            <tr><td><div id="map"></div></td></tr>
                <td>You are previewing an ungeoreferenced image, which
cannot be displayed on the map.<br />
                    Move the image into the center of the window before
                <td>To see this image in its collection, see
                    <a id="collection_url" href=""></a>
        <button onClick="shutdown();">Shutdown</button>
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