[OpenLayers-Users] Strategies & query parameters

Egil Möller egil at skytruth.org
Wed Feb 6 03:14:26 PST 2013


I have some problems with strategies and filters:

* A filter strategy seems to be entierly ignored when creating the URL
parameters for the protocol (adding a filterToParams-function that
prints filters seems to confirm that my filter strategy filter doesn't
make it to the protocol, only the BBOX filter).

* Updating a filter strategy (setFilter) does not re-request data from
the server

* If I set layer.filter to some filter, this is ANDed in with the bbox
filter, however while GREATER_THAN, SMALLER_THAN etc Logical filters
seems to work fine, BETWEEN filters are just ignored (looking into
Format/QueryStringFilter.js seems to confirm that BETWEEN is just
ignored, and OpenLayers.Console.warn does not print anything by default :/ )

So, how is strategies, filters and protocol query params suppsed to work
together (that is, what is "the big picture" that isn't documented)?

Example code that does not work...

  new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("Simple OSM Map"),
  new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Local data", {
    projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), // Same as WGS84
    strategies: [
      new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX({resFactor: 1}),
      new OpenLayers.Strategy.Filter({filter:
        new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
            type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.GREATER_THAN,
            property: "when",
            value: new Date(),
    protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
      url: "{% url appomatic_mapserver.views.mapserver %}",
      format: new OpenLayers.Format.SkyTruth({egiltest:4711}),
      params: {},

Best regards,
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