[OpenLayers-Users] Session timed out problem

Minh Nguyen Le nlminh79 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 19:44:00 PDT 2013

Hi all,
I am new Geoserver user. I install Geoserver 2.3.2 and JDK 7u21 for 32bit
on Window7.
I have added several layers on Geoserver.
Today I try to add some more layers, but when I click to Data Store button
on Geoserver
website, one massage appear as:
Sorry, your session timed out...

It looks like you waited too long to make that last change.if this
continues to happen, you should get in touch with your system administrator.
Go back to the home page and try again.

Someone told that it dues to permgen space in Java. But I check
"startup.bat" script in C:\Program Files\GeoServer 2.3.2\bin
This script as follow:
call "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe"
-DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR="C:\Program Files\GeoServer 2.3.2\data_dir" -Xmx1024m
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=geoserver
-Djetty.port=8080 -Djetty.logs="C:\Program Files\GeoServer 2.3.2\logs" -jar
"C:\Program Files\GeoServer 2.3.2\start.jar"
In this command line, it'd already had option -Xmx1024m and
So that I guess my problem may caused by others reasons.
Could you help how to fix it?
Thank you all. <openlayers-users at lists.osgeo.org>
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