[OpenLayers-Users] Connecting to MapGuide via WFS

Rich Bauer rdbauer at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 10:37:23 PDT 2013


I am new to OpenLayers but have been using MapGuide for several years. I
had originally posted the below post to MapGuide list because I thought it
was a MapGuide related connection issue.


Since then (as you can see in my update) I have found some help from the
example http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/getfeature-wfs.html. With the
help of this, I was able to make a connection (so I think). Both layers
show up in the Layers panel as it is added to the map, but the WMS layer
shows up and the created WFS does not.  Now I don't know if it is MapGuide
related or OpenLayers related. Code below:

*var wmsParcels = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Parcels",*
*        "
*        { layers: 'Samples/Sheboygan/Layers/Parcels', transparent: true },*
*        { isBaseLayer: false, transitionEffect: 'resize', format:
'image/png' }*
*        //{ projection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913') }*
*    );*
*var wfsParcels = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("WFS Parcels", { protocol:
new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayer(wmsParcels) });
*map.addLayers([select, wfsParcels]);*

With this there are no errors showing up in Chrome Developer tools.

As a related issue, when I use the above code, I get the error below if I
use the *OpenLayers.movile.js* script instead of the *OpenLayers.js?mobile *


   1. Uncaught Unsupported WFS version: 1.1.0
      1. OpenLayers.Protocol.WFSOpenLayers.mobile.js:515<file:///Z:/MapGuideProjects/MobileGIS/RBAC%20Mobile%20GIS/OpenLayers.mobile.js>
      2. OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.fromWMSLayerOpenLayers.mobile.js:516<file:///Z:/MapGuideProjects/MobileGIS/RBAC%20Mobile%20GIS/OpenLayers.mobile.js>
      3. initmobile-rbac.js:149<file:///Z:/MapGuideProjects/MobileGIS/RBAC%20Mobile%20GIS/Scripts/mobile-rbac.js>
      4. fixContentHeightmobile-jq.js:24<file:///Z:/MapGuideProjects/MobileGIS/RBAC%20Mobile%20GIS/Scripts/mobile-jq.js>

Any thoughts?

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