[OpenLayers-Users] Is there a way for OL to figure out that one of the layers is pink?

Greg Allensworth gregor at greeninfo.org
Thu Oct 24 11:13:22 PDT 2013

You could catch the 'tileerror' event on the layer.
I think that tileerror is relatively new, but I may be mistaken.

It would go something like this:

layer = new OL.WMS(...);

layer.events.register('tileerror', null, function () {

On 10/24/2013 11:03 AM, Schweitzer, Peter wrote:
> I'm using shaded relief from The National Map as a base layer, but
> today it seems that The National Map isn't serving those data, so I'm
> getting the infamous pink tiles.  I can turn them off manually using a
> call to layer.setVisibility(false).  But I'd prefer that the users not
> have to do this themselves.  Is there any way I could write a test in
> my Javascript code that would determine whether or not this layer is
> really available, and simply make the layer invisible if it isn't?
> http://mrdata.usgs.gov/general/map.html
> Peter

Greg Allensworth, Senior Web GIS Developer
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