[OpenLayers-Users] Issue with WMSGetFeatureInfo Control

Jerome A. Wendell jawendell at suddenlink.net
Thu Jul 3 15:28:25 PDT 2014

I am using OpenLayers 2.13.1 with GeoServer 2.5.1.


My map is projected to EPSG:900913 and I have a WMS polygon layer that is
projected to EPSG:4326.  The problem that I am having is with a
WMSGetFeatureInfo control using a click event on the WMS layer.  When I
select certain polygons on the WMS layer, a polygon adjacent to it and in
some cases a polygon that isn't even touching the clicked on polygon will
also be selected.  If I zoom in and select the same polygon, it may not
select the adjacent polygons.  There are some polygons that I am
experiencing this behavior with that don't have the problem until I zoom in.
I have been trying some changes to the GeoServer buffer and maxBuffer
properties using vendorParams, but that does not resolve the problem.  I am
wondering if it could be due to the different projections of the map and the
WMS layer.  I recently upgraded my OpenLayers and GeoServer versions to
those stated above, and I don't recall this behavior before.  Has anyone
else experienced this behavior?  What did you do to correct it so that only
the clicked on polygon is selected?


Any suggestions you may have are greatly appreciated.




Jerome Wendell


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