[OpenLayers-Users] Coordinate order from GML reading

Nicol Hermann openlayers at geoworld.de
Tue May 28 23:00:32 PDT 2019


I am reading a WMS GetFeatureInfo request (Version 1.1.1) which returns
GML with 
new ol.format.WMSGetFeatureInfo()
in Openlayers 5.3.0

The difficulties I have are that the coordinates read from the
WMSGetFeatureInfo format parser are always in a WMS 1.3.0 style.
So with inverted order. lat/lon (1.3.0) instead of lon/lat (1.1.1) like
I would have expected it from reading a WMS 1.1.1 version GML string
(the GML returned from the WMS GetFeatureInfo request contains the
coordinates as lon/lat). 

Is there any way to invert the order to lon/lat or tell the format
reader how to store the coordinates? 

Thanks for any help

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