[OSGeo BC] Final Reminder - RSVP

Kyle, Martin MartinKyle at SierraSystems.com
Wed Nov 21 15:57:59 EST 2007

Hi Everyone:

The meeting went well. I will post a full brief in the next couple of
days...sorry been swamped.

In summary...we have organized around two sub groups that are
responsible for event planning which will occur every quarter. The
Victoria organizing committee has the responsibility for the next
meeting in February...where our group will start doing some events that
go beyond the simple administrative duties required in the first

I believe our attendance was somewhere around 20. I will have the final
numbers after I process the meeting records. Jason Birch has already
started improving the wiki...thanks Jason! You can find some info there



Martin Kyle
Sierra Systems
1177 West Hastings Street, Suite 2500
Vancouver, BC  V6E 2K3

Tel     604.688.1371
Cell    778.384.5409
Fax    604.688.6482

-----Original Message-----
From: osgeo-bc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:osgeo-bc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Will Cadell
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 4:04 PM
To: OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada
Subject: Re: [OSGeo BC] Final Reminder - RSVP

Hi there Martin!

I was wondering how last week's meeting went?

cheers, Will

Will Cadell, GIS Manager

Timberline Natural Resource Group
Prince George, BC

tel:(250) 562 2628   skype: geo_will

On 13-Nov-07, at 4:02 PM, Kyle, Martin wrote:

> Hello Everyone:
> Thank you to everyone who has already sent their RSVP to me.  
> Remember to sign up for announcement at the email reflector: http:// 
> lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeo-bc
> This is the final reminder for everyone about the inaugural meeting  
> of the British Columbia Chapter of OSGeo (http://wiki.osgeo.org/ 
> index.php/British_Columbia_Chapter) that will be:
> Thursday November 15, 2007
> From 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
> You have two locations to choose from as they will be linked by  
> video conference and teleconference.
> Sierra Systems Vancouver: 1177 West Hastings, Suite 2500,  
> Vancouver, BC
> Sierra Systems Victoria: 737 Courtney Street, Victoria BC
> The agenda for this first meeting may not be the same as subsequent  
> meetings as we will need to spend time forming the chapter, its  
> charter, and terms of reference.
> 11:00 - 12:00 PM
> Chapter Formation
> -          Introductions
> -          Define OSGeo BC Charter, including Terms of Reference
> -          Chapter Chair and Vice-chair elections
> 12:00 - 1:00 PM
> Lunch provided by Sierra Systems (please RSVP to Martin Kyle)
> -          Future lunch sponsors
> -          Eat and talk
> 1:00 - 1:45 PM
> Committee Work
> -          Formation of 3 committees (TBD based on result of  
> Chapter Charter)
> -          Define Committee Charters and Terms of Reference
> -          Committee Chair and Vice-chair elections
> 1:45 - 2:00 PM
> -          Committee Reports
> -          Next Meeting
> Charter: a document that focuses on the strategic purpose and  
> requirements of the organizations - who, what, and why.
> Terms of Reference: a view on charter information that conveys  
> operational planning - how, when and where.
> For your information, the following wiki topic at osgeo.org  
> describes the guidelines for chapter formation:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Local_Chapter_Guidelines
> The guidelines mention 5 steps in the formation of the chapter...
> 1) "OSGeo Chapter" should self-organize (for instance in the OSGeo  
> wiki, via OSGeo mailing list, etc), seeking to determine if a  
> critical mass of interest exists to justify a chapter.
> 2) "OSGeo Chapter" should prepare a mission and objectives  
> indicating the scope of the planned chapter (geographic or  
> linguistic extent for instance).
> PENDING: subject of first meeting...initial draft on wiki
> 3) "OSGeo Chapter" should propose an official representative to  
> liaise with the OSGeo Board. If accepted by the board, the  
> representative will be an officer of OSGeo.
> TBD: subject of first meeting in election of chapter Chair/Vice-chair
> 4) "OSGeo Chapter" should submit an official expression of interest  
> to form a chapter to the OSGeo board, listing initial members,  
> mission, representative and other supporting information.
> TBD: first responsibility of elected Chair
> 5) The OSGeo board shall then consider passing a motion forming the  
> chapter, and designating the liason officer.
> TBD: out of our hands!
> As for the meeting, we are planning on having the two locations  
> linked by video conference for the first hour, lunch will be in the  
> separate locations, initially coordinated by representatives of the  
> two Sierra offices (in the future by other lunch sponsors), the  
> committee meetings will occur in 6 meeting rooms linked by  
> teleconference (i.e. 3 in Vancouver, 3 in Victoria). We will all  
> gather back in the video conference facility to wrap up for the  
> last 15 minutes.
> If possible, please provide your intention of attending this  
> meeting to MartinKyle(at)SierraSystemsD0tC0m by Friday November 9,  
> 2007 so that we can have good numbers for ordering lunch and  
> ensuring that the space requirements will be met. Please indicate  
> Vancouver or Victoria.
> I hope to see you all there!
> Martin
> Martin Kyle
> Sierra Systems
> 1177 West Hastings Street, Suite 2500
> Vancouver, BC  V6E 2K3
> Tel     604.688.1371
> Cell    778.384.5409
> Fax    604.688.6482
> www.SierraSystems.com
> ----Notice Regarding Confidentiality----
> This email, including any and all attachments, (this "Email") is  
> intended only for the party to whom it is addressed and may contain  
> information that is confidential or privileged. Sierra Systems  
> Group Inc. and its affiliates accept no responsibility for any loss  
> or damage suffered by any person resulting from any unauthorized  
> use of or reliance upon this Email. If you are not the intended  
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying  
> or other use of this Email is prohibited. Please notify us of the  
> error in communication by return email and destroy all copies of  
> this Email. Thank you.
> _______________________________________________
> OSGeo-BC mailing list
> OSGeo-BC at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeo-bc

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OSGeo-BC at lists.osgeo.org

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