[osgeo4w-dev] gdal_merge_mosaïc TIF

fabienne picot cfab13 at hotmail.fr
Mon Oct 13 08:15:14 EDT 2008


I'd like to assemble images *".TIF" which total size is 8Go, to have 1 image which size would be the smallest possible (with the best quality of course!).
- I add "@cmd.exe /V:ON" at the end of OSGEO4W.BAT to activate additional functionalities to create a list of files in the form of variables.
- Then: 

cd /d

set liste=
[ ]for %c in
(*.tif) do set liste=%c !liste!gdal_merge
-of GTiff -co "TFW=yes" -co "BIGTIFF=yes"
"c:\Image\Test.tif" %liste%

But the prompt answers: "THE ENTERED LINE IS TOO LONG".
What it doesn't like?Is it the correct method to assemble and reduce image'size?
Best regards

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