[osgeo4w-dev] Use and share OSGeo4W

Matt Wilkie matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Wed Feb 10 13:07:25 EST 2010

Bonjour Yves,

In short, there is no problem using OSGeo4W for your camptocamp 
training. In fact I think that's great. :)

While each program or package available from OSGeo4W 
(http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/)  has it's own license, they are all 
open source (http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd).  For example GDAL is 
X/MIT, GRASS is GPL, and uDig is LGPL, to highlight just 3 prominent 

OSGeo4W itself only has two applications, pkg-setup and pkg-apt. All 
others are simply convenient re-packaging of projects from elsewhere. 
The Package Listing page, 
http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/PackageListing, describes each of the 
packages and where they are acquired from. To determine a particular 
application's license terms examine the install package 
(http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/release/) and/or the source projects' 

An OSGeo4W CD aquired from somewhere other than the project website may 
or may not have other things on it with different, possibly proprietary, 
license terms. There is a page describing how to make your own install 
cd at  http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/InstallFromCD

Someone else will have to answer the translation part of your question 
as I simply don't know.


matt wilkie
Geomatics Analyst
Information Management and Technology
Yukon Department of Environment
10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax

Yves Jacolin wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use osgeo4w for installing applications during the training 
> session that Camptocamp offers.
> Is there a problem with the licence from OSGeo4W or application bundled 
> inside? The CD is not sold as such.
> Furthermore, I read that Jeff worked in a Japanase translation few month ago, I 
> would like to translate into french the most part of the installer: installer 
> app., documentation, FAQ, ...
> How can I do it? Where can I find the files to translate?
> Best regards,
> Y.

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