[osgeo4w-dev] Unattended install

Jeremy Palmer JPalmer at linz.govt.nz
Fri May 7 01:26:25 EDT 2010


I'm trying to setup a local installation and then create a batch file for an unattended install. I've tried to complete the install as described in the FAQ, but I can't get it to work. The command I'm using is:

setup.exe -q --local-install --root C:\Dev\SPI\Test -l "C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\release"

A screen flashes up and the installer finishes without installing any packages. All of my packages live in C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\release, i.e. C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\release\curl\curl-7.15.1-2.tar.bz2 etc...

The setup.ini was generated without error using the "genini" script, and lives in C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\setup.ini.

The install log in C:\Dev\SPI\Test\var\log\setup.log is:

2010/05/07 17:19:59 Starting cygwin install, version 2.579
2010/05/07 17:19:59 Current Directory: C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\release
2010/05/07 17:19:59 Changing gid to Users
2010/05/07 17:19:59 Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2010/05/07 17:19:59 root: C:\Dev\SPI\Test binary system
2010/05/07 17:19:59 Selected local directory: C:\Dev\SPI\OSGeo4W\release
2010/05/07 17:20:00 Ending cygwin install

Is it not finding the setup.ini file?


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