[osgeo4w-dev] Proposing OrfeoToolbox integration in OSGeo4W

Julien Malik julien.malik at c-s.fr
Wed Oct 19 12:43:40 EDT 2011

Hi Matt, list,

> I'm happy to answer any packaging questions I'm able to, fire when 
> ready.  I admit the packaging instructions take a few passes to 
> understand. (http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/PackagingInstructions)

Packages are available at :

I have two packages ready: otb-bin and otb-python
They are tar.bz (compressed with the tar of msys), and next to them are 
the corresponding setup.hint files.

Do you see anything wrong in this ?
How can I test this ?
To check if I did not forget a dependency, and that all the install 
process will run fine.


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