[osgeo4w-dev] OSGeo4W 2013 Weekly reports #4

Lord Flaubert Steve Ataucuri Cruz lord.ataucuri at ucsp.edu.pe
Fri Jul 12 23:01:21 PDT 2013

Hello All

This is the report for my 4th week in the GSoC.

What did I do this week?

 - This week the main work was around support of new compiler, I have
changed the installer with new version of mingw compilers and runtime.
I was talking with my mentor Frank about advantage and disvantage of
new compiler and we decided to modernize it. We were a lot of problems
with g++ 3.4 which doesn't support -mno-cywin flag and Cygwin has in
their repositories the last version of compilers( g++4.7.3 or mingw*).

 - I researched how bison and lex work then I had added an entry
licence into setup_test.ini which will be used in the installer to
download the license terms.

-  I have fixed the bug with __fstati64 function.
-  I updated the wiki page with new configuration
- You could see my work at http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/timeline
(from 1220-1225).

What do I plan on doing next week?

 Next week my work will concentrate in scan the setup.ini file which
has restrictive packages

Did I block on anything?

 I had a problem with functions and virtual classes.

Best Regards

Steve Ataucuri Cruz
School of Computer Science,
San Pablo Catholic University - Arequipa, Peru (http://www.ucsp.edu.pe),
Screen Names :
 stonescenter at hotmail.com (Windows Live Messenger)
 stonescenter at gmail.com (Google talk)
 stonescenter at yahoo.com (Yahoo Messenger)
 stonescenter (Skype)
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