[osgeo4w-dev] OSGeo4w - Gsoc work begins

Lord Flaubert Steve Ataucuri Cruz lord.ataucuri at ucsp.edu.pe
Mon Jun 17 14:30:33 PDT 2013

Hello All

  I'm Steve the student participating in Gsoc with the OSGeo4W
project. These last weeks I was with my mentor Frank Warmerdam, who
helped me to solve several problems during the build of the setup.exe
and I thank his help.

   Now Gsoc has begun, I have several tasks in my proposal, I really
like and would appreciate some suggestions regarding the project
"Extend OSGeo4W". One task I have to do is  "Ask for Agreement" to
comunity which involves it:

   -  Defining, documenting and getting agreement from the OSGeo4W
community in order to represent the license request.
   -  Implementing the actual question in the software installer with
many dialogs for the new packages.

   The new OSGeo4W installer will be extended to include a way of
providing a textual license agreement(User license Policy)  in order
to accept the licensing agreements so in particular package such as
the ECW imagery library, ESRI File GeoDatabase and Oracle OCI
libraries which are private software and incompatible with the
Non-reciprocal MIT/X open source license of GADL/OSGeo. We will
include libraries with a license category(reciprocal,non-reciprocal
and proprietary).

  I really apreciate your feedback and input, you can see in more
detail at http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2013/stonescenter/19002.
Next days I will post a trac wiki page of the project.

Best regards,


Steve Ataucuri Cruz
School of Computer Science,
San Pablo Catholic University - Arequipa, Peru (http://www.ucsp.edu.pe),
Screen Names :
 stonescenter at hotmail.com (Windows Live Messenger)
 stonescenter at gmail.com (Google talk)
 stonescenter at yahoo.com (Yahoo Messenger)
 stonescenter (Skype)
+51.972529201 (Mobile)

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