[osgeo4w-dev] Upgrade of GDAL 1.10.1 package

SAVINAUD Mickaël mickael.savinaud at c-s.fr
Thu Sep 26 12:22:08 PDT 2013

Thank for your quick answer and to indicate me that 1.10 package will  
be skipped.
If I well remember Even Rouault have made a lot of work to adapt the  
openjpeg driver to 1.10. Therefore I could be perhaps quite difficult  
to use openjpeg with 1.9.2
Could you provide me some hints to build gdal against OSGeo4W ?  
Starting from tamas script is a good idea, is it ?


Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> a écrit :

> Mickaël,
> It is my intention to skip GDAL 1.10.x and upgrade OSGeo4W when 1.11 is
> published - hopefully around the end of the year.
> I don't know too much about the openjpeg driver, but it seems likely a more
> recent version could be backported to 1.9 for OSGeo4W.  I've done this from
> time to time with other drivers.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:12 AM, SAVINAUD Mickaël <mickael.savinaud at c-s.fr
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A colleague and myself can spend some times to upgrade the GDAL package
>> (and add the support of openjpeg). We have started to use the vc9 script of
>> Tamas Szekeres and try to use as output_dir the OSGEo4W one. However it
>> seems not so easy ;)
>> Could you please share with us the script or the documentation used to
>> build the gdal package. With it we can upgrade the gdal package available
>> into OsGeo4W and offer to QGIS a way to read JPEG2000 file with an
>> efficient open-source solution (openjpeg).
>> Best
>> Mickaël
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> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
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