[Osgeo4w-trac] [osgeo4w] #416: PHP-Mapscript File extraction error

OSGeo4W trac_osgeo4w at osgeo.org
Sat May 10 14:13:30 PDT 2014

#416: PHP-Mapscript File extraction error
Reporter:  jlarouche  |       Owner:  osgeo4w-dev@…              
    Type:  defect     |      Status:  new                        
Priority:  major      |   Component:  Installer                  
 Version:             |    Keywords:                             
 Ticket reffering https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/4923

 "Unable to extract php_mapscript.dll -- corrupt package?" error when the
 installer tries to extract PHP-Mapscript 5.2.2-2.

 Manual download and extract with 7zip works fine.

 Checksum of the files downloaded:

 php_mapscript-5.2.2-2.tar.bz2 - SHA1:
 php_mapscript-5.6.6-1.tar.bz2 - SHA1:
 php_mapscript-dev-5.1-2.tar.bz2 - SHA1:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/416>
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OSGeo4W is the Windows installer and package environment for the OSGeo stack.

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