[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Fwd: GIS for Humanity
Nobusuke Iwasaki
niwasaki @ affrc.go.jp
2011年 10月 11日 (火) 07:51:07 EDT
(2011/10/11 19:48), BABA, Yoshihiko wrote:
> みなさま、
> QGIS の開発者の Tim Sutton 氏から依頼が来ました。おそらく、Gary さんが QGIS のナンバーワンだとすれば、ナンバーツーの人です。ご本人からの文章を添付しています。
> QGIS は、ただのソフトではない、「世界をよくするための何かだ」だ、というプレゼンをされるそうです。
> ・昨年の QGIS + R のハンズオンセッションの風景写真と資料を Tim さんにお渡しできないでしょうか?(私は参加していないので)
> ・震災や津波関連で、QGIS を使った事例のものが提供できないでしょうか?
> プレゼンは11月ですが、今月中に資料を作りたいそうです。Tim さんに直接でも、私宛に連絡でもいいので、情報お持ちの方はご協力お願いいたします。
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Tim Sutton<tim @ linfiniti.com>
>> Subject: GIS for Humanity
>> Date: September 30, 2011 23:33:57 GMT+09:00
>> To: Tim Sutton<tim @ linfiniti.com>
>> Dear QGIS Friends
>> I am busy preparing a talk on 'QGIS for Humanity'. Some of you have
>> already responded to my prior email. Others I am contacting because I
>> know you have been doing humanitarian or socially interesting work. I
>> apologis for this email being slightly impersonal, but for
>> expediency's sake I am writing to everyone at once. I am preparing a
>> talk on the social aspects of QGIS including its application in 'work
>> for the good of humanity'. I use humanity in broad terms to encompass
>> work related to disaster relief, social upliftment, protection of our
>> planet, and so on. I would really love to receive from you:
>> - two or three good quailty photographs / images (with permission to
>> redistribute) including:
>> - maps produced by QGIS
>> - in situ situational images showing where QGIS is being applied
>> - people! People who use QGIS or who have benefitted from its use
>> - if you have more than 3 images that will be fine too
>> - If you have multimedia materials a link to them online would be great
>> - A paragraph or two telling your story
>> - Any relevant links and contact information
>> The goal is really to show that QGIS is not just software - it's
>> something that humans use to make the world a better place. Of course
>> I will make whatever I produce online and freely downloadable. If this
>> message seems to have absolutely no relevance to you or your work, I
>> apologies and ask you to ignore it!
>> Best regards
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
>> ==============================================
>> Visit http://linfiniti.com to find out about:
>> * QGIS programming services
>> * Mapserver and PostGIS based hosting plans
>> * FOSS Consulting Services
>> Skype: timlinux Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
>> ==============================================
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Nobusuke IWASAKI Ph.D., Researcher
Ecosystem Informatics Division
National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
3-1-1, Kannondai, Tsukuba-shi,
Ibaraki-ken 305-8604, JAPAN
Tel / Fax 81-29-838-8226 Email: niwasaki @ affrc.go.jp
Website http://cse.niaes.affrc.go.jp/niwasaki/
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