[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Fwd: qgis & Japan

Yoichi Kayama yoichi.kayama @ gmail.com
2013年 1月 6日 (日) 14:29:28 PST


オランダのプラグイン開発者 Diethard Jansenさんから以下のようなメールをいただきました。

たしかQGIS1.6の時に日本測地系(Tokyo Datum)をQGISで扱うとずれたような記憶があるの


Diethard Janseさんにメールの転送許可を問い合わせたら以下のようなご返事いただきました。

It is ok to forward my mail. Although I do apologize for the mistakes
I made in Japanese.
"onamae wa" should of course be "namae wa". I will visit Japan this
year at the end of july and I planned to visit Tokyo for the first
time in my life for a few days.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diethard Jansen <diethard.jansen @ gmail.com>
Date: 2013/1/7
Subject: qgis & Japan
To: yoichi.kayama @ gmail.com


Onamae wa Diethard Jansen desu,
Konpyuutaa enjinia desu..
QGIS dai ski desu
Benkyoo nihongo, demo muzukashi ne.

I see you are involved with Japanese translation of the QGIS manual/website.
I am involved as well, maybe you have seen the translation guidelines I wrote.

Actually beside for QGIS I have warm feelings for Japan as well.
My wife Keiko Ota is from Nagoya, actually she was born in Shinshiro
were a lot of my wifes relatives live.
Yesterday I put on youtube a radio interview Keiko did on NHK radio.
Maybe you find it interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ozud2weFyo
Because my wife worked as a nurse before, she is not much interested in QGIS.

For QGIS I also have added a QGIS plugin that helps for several
coordinate systems to combine maps with maps that can be loaded with
the openlayers plugin (like googlemaps). The plugin is called the QGIS
Coordinate Systems updater plugin and one of the coordinates systems
it updates is the Tokyo CRS coordinate system. Actually I wrote the
plugin when I was on a visit in Japan just after the tsunami hit
Japan. I hoped it would help a bit.

I just checked and saw in QGIS1.8 it is still necessary to update the
(older) Tokyo coordinate system to use it combined with maps loaded
with the openlayers plugin.Have a look here on youtube the video how
it improved the Dutch maps (for QGIS1.6)..
 The QGIS Coordinate Systems Updater

Please if you have time, let me know more about what you do, where you
live and what your other interests are.
Maybe we will meet one day on a QGIS Hackers fest?

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu

Diethard Jansen

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