[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Integration of Japanese GIS formats into mainline GDAL ?

Even Rouault even.rouault @ spatialys.com
2015年 7月 20日 (月) 07:23:53 PDT


Thanks a lot for bringing some light on this.

I've created https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6046 to capture all findings up 
to now and trace tasks that I've in mind that should be completed for 
integretation into upstream GDAL.

Best regards,


> Hi Even,
> CC: Hiroo-san, Yamate-san, list
> Excuse me for cutting in this topic.
> I am neither the developer nor the player, but I tried mext_gdal
> test version (gdal110_test.zip) at last weekend and probably I understood
> some data related part, so I mention some of your question about datas.
> (But, if someone find my mistake, please point it out here...)
> 2015-05-01 18:59 GMT+09:00 Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>:
> > I tried the FGD ogr driver on the file
> > https://github.com/msherry/PyXB-1.1.4/blob/master/examples/unicode_jp/dat
> > a/shift_jis/FG- GML-13-RailCL25000-20080331-0001.xml
> > (found by googling FG-GML)
> > 
> > It is not recognized by the driver. Looking more closely, the driver
> > seems to expect a <GI> element that isn't found in that file. It appears
> > that there are several versions of FGD GML, right ? The above file is
> > apparently v3 (since there's a v3 schema next to it). Perhaps the driver
> > is v4 (or a previous version) ? I tried to remove the test for the
> > presence of <GI> but it crashes later during parsing of dates,
> > apparently not liking the <gml:timePosition> element within <lfSpanFr>
> There are 2 format types (DLD / GML), 2 recent versions(v3 / v4)
> and 2 (or more) data types (5/10m mesh DEM / General vector data .etc)
> in FGD data,
> and current mext_gdal test version seems to support the following pair.
> =====
> 1. FGD driver: DLD v3 (5/10m mesh DEM)
> 2. FG-GML driver: GML v3 (5/10m mesh DEM)
> 3. FGD driver: DLD v3 (General vector data)
> =====
> Above link which you found use GML v3, but it is not 5/10m mesh DEM,
> so you couldn't convert it.
> > I found this project :
> > http://mizutuu.github.io/jpgisgmlv4togml-converter/  /
> > https://github.com/mizutuu/jpgisgmlv4togml-converter
> > It includes the schema for FG-GML v4 and I can't see any reference to the
> > <GI> element in it either.
> > With some trickery related to encoding conversion, I managed to use that
> > project to produce a standard GML file that the OGR GML driver handles
> > well :
> > 
> > cat FG-GML-13-RailCL25000-20080331-0001.xml | iconv --from-code=shift-jis
> > -- to-code=utf-8 | sed "s/Shift_JIS/UTF-8/" | python jpgisgml2gml.py >
> > out.gml
> And above GML v4 is not supported (both of 5/10m mesh DEM and
> General vector data) by current mext_gdal for now.
> > I've also found this site http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj-e/ and downloaded a
> > few datasets. Those I tried are not handled by the OGR FGD driver. Some
> > of them look like GML with a particular application schema. They are
> > unfortunately not standard enough for the OGR GML driver to understand
> > them out of the box, although I believe it could be tweaked to parse
> > them. Their header look like:
> > 
> > <ksj:Dataset gml:id="A09Dataset"
> > xmlns:ksj="http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/schemas/ksj-app"
> > xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2"
> > xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xm
> > lns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> > xsi:schemaLocation="http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/schemas/ksj-app
> > KsjAppSchema- A09-v3_1.xsd">
> > 
> > There's a shapefile next to them, with apparently same content.
> And about above MLIT NLNI(National Land Numerical Information) data,
> it is not FGD data...
> > So it appears there's a variety of GML-like formats ;-)
> Yes, sure...
> If you want to use mext_gdal test data, I just uploaded example dummy data
> to the following repository. So, please try to use those files.
> https://github.com/sanak/dev-notes/tree/master/datas/fgd
> (The dummy data location is near by Japan Wakayama prefecture,
> but on the pacific ocean.)
> Regards,
> >> Hi Even,
> >> 
> >> I talk to Yamate-san who has been working on those three drivers. He
> >> explained that each driver has little bit different copy right
> >> background he need to resolve before he can merge them to the main.
> >> 
> >> The first one, FGD driver, which he wrote for a project and he does not
> >> have control on its copy right. So, he would like to leave it at this
> >> moment.
> >> 
> >> For the second one, FG-GML driver, he wrote it and he owns its copy
> >> right at this moment. But he said he can release with the licence you
> >> suggested.
> >> 
> >> The last one, FGD ogr driver, which he also wrote and it is highly
> >> possible he can release it under the MIT licence. But he need to make
> >> sure his client can agree on this. So, he said he will contact to his
> >> client.
> >> 
> >> So, the last two drivers can be merge into the main GDAL driver. It is
> >> little bit confusing background but I am sure we can sort these out.
> >> 
> >> I will let you know when he is ready to work with you.
> >> 
> >> Thanks!
> >> 
> >> Hiroo
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Hiroo Imaki <hiroo at angeli.org> wrote:
> >> > Hi Even,
> >> > 
> >> > I am not the developer but he and I working at a same company. If he
> >> > can agree on the license and release his efforts, that would be
> >> > wonderful for all Japanese data uses.
> >> > 
> >> > He hesitates writing his message in English. So, I can be a translator
> >> > between you guys. I hope no lost in translation!
> >> > 
> >> > I will get back to you once I hear from him.
> >> > 
> >> > Hiroo
> >> > 
> >> > On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Even Rouault
> >> > <even.rouault at spatialys.com
> >> > 
> >> > > wrote:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >> 
> >> >> Sorry for writing in English, but I don't unfortunately speak
> >> >> Japanese.
> >> >> 
> >> >> I'm one of the GDAL developers.
> >> >> 
> >> >> I've noticed that there are "un-official" versions of GDAL floating
> >> >> around, with
> >> >> a few drivers for new Japanese-specific formats. I was wondering if
> >> >> there was a
> >> >> reason to keep them outside of the official GDAL tree ? Integrating
> >> >> them into
> >> >> mainline GDAL would probably make life of Japanese users easier. GDAL
> >> >> has already support for a lof of national specific formats, mainly in
> >> >> Europe and
> >> >> North America. Would be cool for Asia to join in ;-)
> >> >> 
> >> >> In a recent discussion thread, the following link is mentionned:
> >> >>  https://www.dropbox.com/s/4oyhncknavdk2if/gdal110_test.zip
> >> >> 
> >> >> I can see that it contains 2 new GDAL drivers ( FGD: Japanese
> >> >> Fundamental Geographic Data (.xml) & FG-GML :  Japanese Fundamental
> >> >> Geographic Data GML(.xml) ) and one OGR driver (FGD).
> >> >> Unfortunatelly there's no author or copyright information in the
> >> >> header of the
> >> >> corresponding source files. Would their author(s) be willing to
> >> >> release them
> >> >> under the X/MIT license and contribute them to the mainline GDAL
> >> >> project ? Perhaps some test files to write minimalistic regressions
> >> >> tests would be useful.
> >> >> 
> >> >> Let me know if I can be useful for anything. I can also help for
> >> >> writing new
> >> >> drivers if needed.
> >> >> 
> >> >> Best regards,
> >> >> 
> >> >> Even
> >> >> 
> >> >> --
> >> >> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> >> >> http://www.spatialys.com
> >> >> _______________________________________________
> >> >> OSGeoJapan-discuss mailing list
> >> >> OSGeoJapan-discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> >> >> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeojapan-discuss
> >> > 
> >> > --
> >> > Hiroo Imaki
> >> > Pacific Spatial Solutions, LLC
> >> > 1523 Chatham Colony Ct.
> >> > Reston, VA  20190
> >> > hiroo.imaki at pacificspatial.com
> >> > http://www.pacificspatial.com
> >> > http://www.geopacific.org (GIS info site)
> >> > hiroo at angeli.org (private)
> > 
> > --
> > Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> > http://www.spatialys.com
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSGeoJapan-discuss mailing list
> > OSGeoJapan-discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeojapan-discuss

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