[OSGeoJapan-discuss] Free course about crime mapping. GIS for criminology

Mario Carrera mcarrera @ gvsig.com
2018年 5月 7日 (月) 08:18:12 PDT

Hi all,

a free course about Geographic Information Systems applied to 
criminology through several video-tutorials is now available.

The list of topics and the links to the different videos are available 
at this post:

gvSIG Crime is the solution offered by the gvSIG Association to 
organize, analyze and maintain information related to security and 
crime. A platform adapted to the needs of each organization and 
territory, that includes several components, an important web part that 
establishes the necessary computer infrastructure to organize, share and 
access spatial information, with all types of spatio-temporal analysis 
tools, support for field tasks, …, and components that are more oriented 
to advanced analysis such as the desktop Geographic Information System 

The course does not intend to make an exhaustive tour of all the gvSIG 
Desktop tools, and it’s focused on carrying out through practical 
exercises an invitation to explore the potential of its use in criminology.

We hope that it's useful for you.

Best regards

*Mario Carrera*

Training, Language and Communication Manager. gvSIG Association

Responsable de Formación, Internacionalización y Difusión. Asociación gvSIG

http://www.gvsig.com <http://www.gvsig.com/>

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