[Live-demo] next steps

Mark Leslie mrk.leslie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 16:01:15 PST 2008

The different distros (Ubuntu vs Xubuntu) shouldn't be a critical 
problem, as most applications should run in either.  While that 
assumption needs to be checked, the default username will certainly 
cause problems.  I don't recall exactly why we used demo, but I think it 
was an arbitrary decision.  We really should be using whatever the 
Ubuntu/Xubuntu live dvds use by default (assuming they're the same).

More important, we should not be relying on the username.  We currently 
have data and doco installed into the users home directory, which is not 
really appropriate.  I'm not sure about setting up menus and desktop 
items, but there should be a means of adding them globally all users?

Mark Leslie
Geospatial Software Architect

Ph: +61 2 8570 5000 Fax: +61 2 8570 5099 Mob: +61
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

Stefan Hansen wrote:
> Hi all!
> Working on the next version of LISAsoft's Arramagong Live DVD showed 
> again that life would be so much easier, if we had a repository 
> providing the various components of such a DVD. Therefore, I would like 
> to revive the discussion on how we are going to approach this.
> In the last couple of days I was talking to Ricardo Pinho, who is 
> working on GISVM, and he is interested in joining efforts, so the 
> repository can be used for creating Live CDs as well as for VMs.
> Ricardo suggested that one of the first steps would be to get a 
> meta-packaging agreement to ensure the interoperability of the packages 
> and the different approaches. That means, we have to avoid things that 
> might be result in compatibility issues. E.g., atm the standard user on 
> the FOSS4G08 Live DVD is called "demo", on our current release it's 
> "ubuntu" and GISVM uses "user"; or GISVM is based on Ubuntu, the Live 
> DVD on XUbuntu. All this might cause difficulties, we probably should 
> discuss how we can avoid them.
> Any thoughts?
> cheers,
> stefan

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