[Live-demo] next steps

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 17:07:33 PST 2008

Mark Leslie wrote:
> We currently have data and doco installed into the users
> home directory, which is not really appropriate.  I'm
> not sure about setting up menus and desktop items, but there
> should be a means of adding them globally all users?

put data in a subdir under /usr/local/ or /usr/local/share/

set menu items in /usr/share/menu/ if not already there.

for each app set  section="LiveGIS"

perhaps duplicate menu file for the apps instead of editing the package
version so you don't upset the package management.

X/K/Ubuntu will all have their own specific menu system (ie KDE and Gnome
menu trees, but at least on Debian in the Gnome menu you get a Debian/ section which leads to all entries in /usr/share/menu/. I assume the
ubuntus have something similar which would mean no triple-handling of
menu edits)



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