[Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try GISVM?

Tom Callaghan tom.callaghan at click2try.com
Tue Oct 13 16:17:51 PDT 2009

Hello Dane,

> I added that 'jaunty-updates' line just now.... I did not realize that  
> it would 'stick' in the running machine so others would see. Cool, (I  
> hope).

At this moment we are all working in the same VM to get it working.  Our
team is applying all of the fixes onto a different VM image that will be the
golden copy used to provision users' VMs when we release this.

> All that would need to be done from there is to run:

> apt-get upgrade # which fails on some obscure error about python-dev  
> and dpkg for me (I tried it previously). Maybe because multiple users  
> are logged in currently?

> Tom, can you try and see if it works for you?

I will forward this on to our engineers.  If we are doing an apt-get
upgrade, we may want to do this in our base layer, not the COW layer.  They
should be online in a couple of hours.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dane Springmeyer [mailto:blake at hailmail.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:52 PM
To: Tom Callaghan
Cc: 'Cameron Shorter'; live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Does your application work on the click2try GISVM?

On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Tom Callaghan wrote:

> Hello Dane,
>> I tracked this down to the fact that the click2try machine does not
>> have this line:
>> deb <url> jaunty-updates main restricted universe # key here is
>> 'jaunty-updates'
>> in '/etc/apt/sources.list'
>> Can this be added?
>> Then an apt-get update/upgrade would be needed...
> The following are the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty main universe multiverse
> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty-updates main universe  
> multiverse
> It appears to have the jaunty-updates line, but with different  
> options.  If
> this is not what you want, what line specifically do you need here?

I added that 'jaunty-updates' line just now.... I did not realize that  
it would 'stick' in the running machine so others would see. Cool, (I  

All that would need to be done from there is to run:

apt-get upgrade # which fails on some obscure error about python-dev  
and dpkg for me (I tried it previously). Maybe because multiple users  
are logged in currently?

Tom, can you try and see if it works for you?


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