[Live-demo] Tomcat6 on live-disk

Stefan Hansen stefan.hansen at lisasoft.com
Tue Sep 1 16:39:35 PDT 2009

Hey Judit,

Generally Tomcat should already be up and running when you start the vm.
Open FF and try http://localhost:8080 (/manger/html to get to the manger
interface). The uname and pwd are user/user.

To start or stop Tomcat please use

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6

The pwd in this case is again user.

Configuration files are in /etc/tomcat6

Hope that helps.


Judit Mays wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello list,
> I downloaded the 4 image files and installed my VirtualBox image
> successfully. Now I am trying to write the install_deegree.sh.
> Now I've got a question:
> I was wondering how the tomcat6 is supposed to be used?
> If I try to do:
> user at gisvm:~$  /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/catalina.sh run
> I get an Exception on a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
> How to start the tomcat?
> And by the way: Where is the tomcat/conf folder? Should this folder not
> be part of every tomcat installation? Am I looking at the wrong tomcat
> installation?
> I am sorry if these questions have been asked and answered already. I
> just registered for this mailing list yesterday.
> Thanks for any hints.
> Kind regards,
> Judit
> - --
> Judit Mays
> l a t / l o n  GmbH
> Aennchenstrasse 19               53177 Bonn, Germany
> phone ++49 +228 18496-0          fax ++49 +228 18496-29
> http://www.lat-lon.de            http://www.deegree.org
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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> =j+sf
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Stefan Hansen
Software Engineer

Ph: +61 3 8680 3200 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299 Mob: +61
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