[Live-demo] Re: gvSIG package
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
jsanz at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 4 04:02:24 PDT 2009
2009/9/4 Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <jsanz at osgeo.org>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi
> I've tested the deb package for gvSIG 1.9RC1 (bn1242) on the VM and it
> works fine.
> The deb package has three caveats:
> * It requires from user interaction to accept Sun license for JAI libraries
> * The viersion it installs doesn't provide SEXTANTE library, it has to
> be installed apart.
> * The default language is Spanish so it requires again a first run in
> Spanish of gvSIG to set it up in English. When you install gvSIG through
> the regular installer you can configure the language but this is not the
> case. Changing the language can be scripted, is just changing a value on
> a file (/home/user/gvsig/andami-config.xml).
> Should I write a simple script to download the deb, install it with its
> dependencies and change the default language?
Hi again,
I've written the script to install gvSIG from deb package (and its
dependencies, libstdc++5 and sun-java5-jre), it also places a gvSIG
icon on desktop and downloads the gvSIG manual.
I've tested on the VM deleting any gvSIG user configuration and the
default language was English, so finally I didn't have to touch
anything about that.
These are the changesets are 1856[1] and 1858[2].
Hope it helps.
[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset/1856
[2] http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/changeset/1858
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
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