[Live-demo] ISO go/no go

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Tue Sep 29 03:16:14 PDT 2009

Jody Garnett schrieb:
> Evening; I going through with an actual burned copy of the ISO; trying
> to do a final check before things were sent to the printers.
> [...]
> Deegree
> - fire fox offline trick did not work; resulting in a "firefox cannot
> establish a connection to the server at localhost:8081" (after going
> through the usual fire fox offline issue)

Hello Jody,
I am a bit surprised (and worried) about your findings. I just rechecked
with ISO-2.0 and without LAN connection.
Tomcat loads deegree, and I won't see the WMS contents unless I say that
I do *not* want to work offline. Working online even if you don't have a
wire or wireless access to the net seems to do the trick. At least it
worked here on my machine. Same thing for a colleague. on a different
machine. Could you may be try this and report back?

I can't say if it is any different with the ISO-2.0.1 version, because I
didn't download it.

Kind regards,

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