[Live-demo] Some projects not available in the "GeoSpatial" Menu

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 16:20:21 PDT 2010

I've just been working on aligning overview docs under the same headings 
as the  "GeoSpatial" menu in the toolbar on the OSGeo-Live desktop.

And I've discovered a number of the projects are not accessible via this 
menu yet. (I've been looking at 4.0rc6)

If you don't have time to sort this out, could you please point me at 
instructions on how to update this.

(Note, I'd also love to replace descriptions of "Start XXX" to "XXX 
Start" so that all XXX application entries are sorted next to each other)

SpatialLite seems to be in a number of categories, but I suggest should 
only be listed in one.
I expect that the Zoo Project has been categorised in 4.0rc7, but am not 

Applications which are uncategorised:

Specific Desktop GIS
* :doc:`geopublisher_overview`- [`QuickStart 
<../quickstart/geopublisher_quickstart.html>`_] - Catalogue
* :doc:`atlasstyler_overview` - [`QuickStart 
<../quickstart/atlasstyler_quickstart.html>`_] - Style Editor
* :doc:`osgearth_overview` - [`QuickStart 
<../quickstart/osgearth_quickstart.html>`_] - 3 Dimention Terrain Rendering
* :doc:`mb-system_overview` - [`QuickStart 
<../quickstart/mb-system_quickstart>`_] - Sea Floor Mapping

* :doc:`gmt_overview` - GeoSpatial Alorithm Tools

Specific Web Services

* :doc:`pgrouting_overview` - [`QuickStart 
<../quickstart/pgrouting_quickstart.html>`_] - Routing for PostGIS

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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