[Live-demo] Projects Sponsors (ie who pays for your supper)

Stefan A. Tzeggai tzeggai at wikisquare.de
Mon Aug 30 00:52:10 PDT 2010

Hash: SHA1



Sponsor: wikisquare.de

Am 27.08.2010 12:12, schrieb Jody Garnett:
> I am really happy with the presentation thus far (a few trouble cases where projects do not have a sexy screen snap).
> One thing I traditionally like to provide is a shout out to organisations that sponsor/support the different projects. I find it important when evaluating a project for my own use; and such information is often difficult to tease out of the various websites.
> I understand we did not include this on our project overviews; but if the information could be obtained I really would like to credit those who pay for our supper.
> With this in mind could I ask project reps on this email list to reply?
> As an example:
> - GeoServer: OpenGeo, Refractions Research, Axios, GeoSolutions, The Where Group, LISAsoft, Camptocamp, Alkante (from their commercial support page)
> - uDig: Axios, CamptoCamp, HydroloGIS, LISAsoft, Refractions Research (from their user page)
> Jody
> On 26/08/2010, at 9:58 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> I am putting it together; I am mostly grabbing content from the
>> overview docs.  I put out some ideas back in Feb for a group
>> presentation; as it is LISAsoft has decided to put one in.
>> Spending time on each project amounts to ... 90 seconds a project :-)
>> I actually want to tone that down a bit and introduce the live dvd,
>> its history and success. Devote the bulk of the presentation to the
>> software; and talk a little bit more about the project's goals.
>> Since this is one of the first presentations I really want to
>> introduce categories of software to help people plan the rest of their
>> week (indeed that is how the presentation description is written up).
>> Jody
>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Trevor Wekel
>> <trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Who is putting together the OSGeo-Live Lightning Presentation for FOSS4G?  When do we need final content by?
>>> Regards,
>>> Trevor
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> Live-demo mailing list
> Live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
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wiki² - Softwareentwicklung
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