[Live-demo] PostGIS issues on thel Live DVD 3.0
Massimo Di Stefano
massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Thu Jan 14 16:30:44 PST 2010
Il giorno 14/gen/2010, alle ore 21.26, Cameron Shorter ha scritto:
> Paul, Mark,
> In building the 3.0-alpha3 version of the liveDVD, I'm getting the following query come up (which requires acknowledgement). It comes up in the install_postgres.sh script.
> How do you suggest this should be handled? Should we be updating the LiveDVD install script for Postgres to a later version?
> Could I tempt you to update the LiveDVD install script?
> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/install_postgres.sh
> (current version is r2716)
> Issue 1: Should we upgrade to a later version of posgres?
I think postgresql 8.4+ and postgis 1.4+ are mature sw
and we need to rewrite the script to upgrade both postgresql and postgis.
note : the last time i tried the scripts on ubuntu 9.10
i found different packages that needs to be update.
i think that we need just "one time" to run each scripts manually "only the apt-get lines"
to see which packages are obsolete so we can update the right version number inside the install_scripts.
Alex asked for a different dvd build procedure, i think remastersys is good but maybe non optimal ... googling
i find a "really nice" tool "pyfll"
unluky the only docs i find on pyfll usage is in german :
^^^ the last one shoul'd be a good way to follow.
is on the list a german translator :-) ?
Ubuntu is really good for linux beginner and not) i like it.
However (for who is intersted ) i'm rworking on a "edu-verson" for osgeo live disk.
the work to prepare it can go ahead in parallel with the foss4g-live preparation.
To prepare it i'm porting the install_scripts to run under sidux,
i'll use the drive-space used by win/osx installer to have more space left for tutorial, data and sw.
(Sidux is a debian sid based distro, it use the debian-gis repository with up-to date sw-packages
it's usage in a live-edu-disk is a way to say thanks to all the debian gis mantainers too)
what do you think about?
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