[Live-demo] Re: Three weeks till Geospatial Live DVD 3.0 feature freeze
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
jsanz at osgeo.org
Mon Jan 18 12:06:44 PST 2010
2010/1/18 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>:
>>> Well, gvSIG mobile runs on linux... but without ECW support. I can
>>> create a script for it, sure. There is also a non-official[1] version
>>> developed by a colleague that runs on Linux devices like OpenMoko and
>>> Maemo and Linux desktops[2].
>>> Do you think if it could be interesting for the live DVD?
>>> Cheers
>>> [1] http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/
>>> [2] http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/docs/
> Yes, I think that the gvsigmobile would definitely be of interest to people.
> As you mention, it fills a whole in the OSGeo stack of software.
> For the core LiveDVD, we would only be looking for a stable bundle, however,
> I think we should also consider having harder to find "beta" software on the
> DVD too.
> Maybe instead of finding the software on the desktop, and in the pull down
> lists under:
> /root/gis/gvsig
> it is found under:
> /root/gis/bleedingEdge/gvsigMobile
Well, gvSIG mobile, even on a 0.3 version is pretty usable and stable.
We have lots of users working with it. My colleagues right now are
working on the 1.0 version, but I don't know when it will be released
so I think the best option is to place there gvSIG mobile... after
testing it on the VM because this week I had strange language
behaviour on a linux box. Let me try it.
> I suggest write an installer for gvsigMobile, and we will find a place to
> put it.
>>>> The LiveDVD is targeted to run on a laptop, so it probably would not be
>>>> appropriate for the liveDVD as it is, but it would be appropriate to
>>>> have it run inside a mobile platform emulator. Does such an emulator
>>>> exist?
>> Well I have gvSIG mobile on my linux and is a good and fast basic GIS
>> viewer. There is not so much soft of this kind on the foss4g realm, so
>> maybe it has its value. The footprint on disk is 11MB.
>> gvSIG mobile runs on a J2SE standard machine as it's based on the CDC
>> profile of J2ME witch is more or less a subset of J2SE 1.4, so I don't
>> think an emulator is needed (and I don't know any Windows Mobile
>> emulator for linux). In fact, the gvSIG mobile developers work using
>> the J2SE VM on their workstations.
>> The non-official version developed by Juan Lucas and others has some
>> nice features non-present on the standard, taking profit of linux
>> specific capabilities like using gpsd.
>> I can install one, another or both, is up to us, as a group to decide
>> what to include, isn't it?
> Yes, this is a group decision, and we will probably go with the
> recommendation of the gvsigMobile team with regards to what is put on the
> DVD.
> My suggestion is that we do install an application in the same form that it
> is available on a windows platform (without linux improvements), as this is
> how most people will get to view it if they install it on their
> applications.
I agree, even I think the unofficial version of gvSIG mobile is great,
if I have to choose I'll prefer the official version of course.
Anyway, I'll point to the un-official version on the docs if gvSIG
mobile finally is added to the VM.
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
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