[Live-demo] Re: [Ubuntu] How do i get Geopublisher in ?

Stefan Krüger krueger at wikisquare.de
Tue Jan 19 01:15:40 PST 2010


> Do you think it is appropriate to add AtlasStyler and GeoPublisher to
> the OSGeo Live DVD which is handed out at Geospatial conferences (and in
> particular at the FOSS4G conference)? Our aim for the LiveDVD is to provide 
> STABLE software that new users can try out for the fist time and get a feel > 
for what Open Source Software is available.
Yes, i think it's a very good idea to add it to a DVD which is handed out at 
geo-spatial conferences and especially the FOSS4G. I will try to convince you 
with 3 points:

1. There are no open-source or proprietary alternatives: 
No software that i know of can produce multilingual atlases that can be used 
off-line and on-line (=Geopublisher) - without having to know any programming 
language, HTML nor XML/SLD. For scientists communicating research results over 
the digital divide this is a uniquely simple tool.
AtlasStyler SLD edior has been a very innovative tool when i wrote it two 
years ago and still has some features that no other open-source GIS has 
(connection to online symbol database, reusability of selfmade symbols within 
different classifications, ...)

> The DVD is also starting to be used by people developing OSGeo education 
material and courses.
2. GP has been written for computer-noobs
The main goal of Geopublisher is to overcome the technical hurdles for 
geographers, scientists and cartographers when they want to publish maps. So 
the software has been created with usability in mind all the time. The 
software is fully localized in German, English and French. So is the webpage, 
where at least German (lots of), English (some), Frensh (poor) documentation 
is available. Training tutorials in English and French exists. 
In AtlasStyler e.g. you can see the SLD XML code changing "live" while you 
change classifications etc.. this is great for teaching people how SLD works.

> Although I'm considering allowing beta software to be
> installed in a non-obvious location to allow projects to show their
> latest features when using the DVD
3. Why do you think that it is not stable? 
1.3 is not a development branch, it's the stable release.

So... i think it's great software and it should be handed out to new potential 
users that want to "get a feel for what Open Source Software is available." - 
but i am the programmer and it would be sad if i wouldn't be convinced of it. 

> The steps for adding your pachage to the liveDVD is at:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GISVM_Build#How_to_add_your_project_or_data_to_t
> he_LiveGIS_.2F_Arramagong
With this mailing lists' consensus, i would do so on Wednesday.


email	krueger at wikisquare.de

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