[Live-demo] Name Change
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 11:23:43 PST 2010
I'm not ignoring this issue, but only have ~ 20 mins / day to answer all
my emails till I'm back from holidays next week.
Hamish wrote:
> Bob wrote:
>> How about just plain old "OSGEO-Live" as a title?
> This gets my vote. Simple and to the point.
> I wonder a bit about the general public who have typically heard
> about "GIS" and have a vague idea what it is, but "geospatial"
> only beeing a word used by GIS professionals/geogeeks. On the other
> hand the apps we ship are not limited to GIS programs.
> I'd note that folks doing/sponsoring a conference or otherwise
> distribution of it are free to rebrand the thing as they see fit,
> under the terms (& spirit!) of the license. Especially if they
> are footing the bill for the print run they should feel entitled
> to do that.
> Alex:
>> Version Numbering, I see several options
>> By year with counter 2010.1 [...]
>> By year and month 2010.3
> Either of these would be better than the current way which
> doesn't convey too much useful information to the casual user.
>> the more random people stumbling onto it via Google etc the better.
> search results are not simply based on the project's name.
> as long as our download/wiki page explains it well enough folks will
> get the idea and the web search will still work.
>> some people just like have a code name for each iteration,
> I've always thought that was a bit of a gimic, but whatever.
>> if we did something animal related it could help us be creative with
>> the desktop art.
> When training new folks I've never had such a positive software uptake
> as when qgis used to use devel's pets as the version logo. what can I
> say? cute kittens sell.
>> (I wonder if the disc collection needs some sort of creative commons
>> license?)
> The scripting side is already under the LGPL. IMO that is enough.
> Jody:
>> I don't think we need "OSGeo" in the name
> hell yes we do. The whole point of this project is to showcase
> OSGeo software.
>> By not mentioning DVD we are not tiring down our brand to a concept
>> which is already going away (I ran a Live DVD course at foss4g this
>> year and 10% of the class did not have DVD drives).
> hmmm, interesting point. At least for international conference needs
> folks are likely to travel with their smallest laptop, which probably
> won't have a DVD drive, and will be less likely to in the future.
> We should spend time investigating how to do a live USB-drive version,
> they aren't as cheap as DVDs but 4-8gb ones are getting cheaper and
> with a logo printed on them make for nice reusable handouts.
> as for lang=, ISTR in the live-helper help/wiki pages there were
> instructions on how to set that from the grub boot> prompt as a kernel
> option. That is how the regular ubuntu installer disks must do it I
> guess... so just make each target language a boot menu item, or for
> e.g. the upcoming german conference just hardcode it there.
> regards,
> Hamish
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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