[Live-demo] blue wombat desktop background

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Fri Mar 12 00:18:34 PST 2010

Hash: SHA1

Hello Hamish,

good job! I like the better visibility of the OSGeo logo in your versions.

If you want to stick to a greenish logo, I'd opt for wombat3.png.

But best I like the brightness of wombat7, in the location of wombat5.
Huh? Take wombat5 and brighten the logo in the same way as you did with
wombat7. That is what I would like most.

If you don't want to make another example, go for wombat number 5.

The grey is much better to read than the green versions (even after
brightening them up) on this background color.

Just my 2 cents.


Hamish schrieb:
> Hello,
> I made a few versions of the desktop-background image with a more
> pronounced OSGeo logo. They are pixel-for-pixel identical to the
> existing image except for the brightness of the logo.
>   http://bambi.otago.ac.nz/hamish/livedvd/blue-wombat2.png
>   http://bambi.otago.ac.nz/hamish/livedvd/blue-wombat3.png
> I also made one with the logo converted into a grey-scale watermark:
>   http://bambi.otago.ac.nz/hamish/livedvd/blue-wombat5.png
> and finally using the desktop-conf/monochrome_logo_overlay.xcf.bz2
> logo:
>   http://bambi.otago.ac.nz/hamish/livedvd/blue-wombat7demo.png
> the last one is my favourite layout but without the project sources I
> can't properly hide the old location without leaving minor scars.
> if nobody objects in the next 12 or so hours I'll replace the one in SVN
> with either version 2.png or 3.png from the above URLs.
> Hamish
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