[Live-demo] Xubuntu 10.04 available

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun May 9 19:00:34 PDT 2010

On 10/05/10 11:23, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Xubuntu is now available for downloads.
>> Anyone interested in trying to build OSGeo-Live against the 10.04 and
>> seeing if we have any issues?
> Without actual testing I can predict what won't work.
> Anything that requires a non-standard repo will fail since the repo
> files are coded to Karmic not Lucid.
I assume if we update the repository, and try a compile, these packages 
should work?
>   Ubuntugis will doubly fail as not
> all the normal packages have been migrated over yet.
Do we know when packages are expected to be migrated to UbuntuGIS?
> As for anything that compiles or uses Java those should work, although
> for the next revision it would be great to get everyone onto one version
> of Java.
Yes, I agree. One of our early tasks for 4.0 is to push for all projects 
to use the same Java version. (Also the same Tomcat version too)
> FYI, we are essentially out of space. So in order to add more stuff we
> need to be more efficient about our current use of space.
It would be a worthy task if we could identify where any low hanging 
fruit is. Are there any big datasets being pulled into demos or similar.
Another early admin task to work on.
>   I've begun
> talks with some R spatial users to trim the R packages down. A
> comprehensive review of space usage for each package would be great.
> Settling on a good sample dataset will be good too, something like
> NaturalEarthVector and Raster
> WorldClim
> OpenStreetMap
Yes, Lets pick one fairly universal dataset then stick to it. I'm in 
favour of NaturalEarth.

> Might be a good place to start since they all have world coverage and we
> could repack a new extent every year.
> Thanks,
> Alex

Alex, it would be very valuable if you could run through the build 
process, then update our project list [1] with what works and what does 
not. Then I can start chasing projects and pointing them at an error log 
and say "Can you please get this working".

Of note, I've been working on refining the documentation requirements 
for the next LiveDVD release. More on that in a week or so when I've 
finished. http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Pipeline


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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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