[Live-demo] Italian translation

Massimo Di Stefano massimodisasha at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 13:15:15 PDT 2010

All, Marco,

i set-up an omegT project to have the "source and target directory" in sync with the svn trees

simply i choose as source location :


and as target location :


iomegaT will detect all the .rst files in the en/* trees (all the sub-dir too), then :

"projet -> generate target documents"
"proggetto -> crea i documenti di arrivo"

it will generate .rst files in the it/* target location

going ahead with translation we will be able to commit the progress
and every time we start with a new translation-session
we have to do an " svn up " on the trunk

i hope this is the process all we need to follow (i'm new to colaborative translations)

thanks for any hints

Il giorno 12/set/2010, alle ore 20.57, Massimo Di Stefano ha scritto:

> hoops ... imeans :
> sponsor_osgeo.rst
>> the first one i choose is : osgeo.rst 

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