[Live-demo] changeset 7096

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 07:34:15 PDT 2011

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Alex wrote:
>> I think we just need clarification on what the change does.
Sorry for the late reaction - would have been better to ping me on
IRC, not reading this mailing list frequently.
> (tries to pull in a new saga which builds-depends on natty's
> libgdal 1.6 instead of ubuntugis's libgdal 1.8, and no more)
Sorry for the confusion: as I said on IRC. I actually postponed the
changes because I hoped for a fixed GDAL. When I realised that the fix
I proposed (for gdal) would indeed be too drastic at this stage I
changed the repository for saga. This doesn't affect any other

>> Anyone know if QGIS can open geotiff ok with GDAL 1.8?

I checked - no problems here.

> AFAIK qgis does not try to bundle a local copy of libtiff
> and so should be fine. for that matter, any in-debian package
> would flag the embedded copy as a lintian error and be suitably
> punished.

It is *gdal* which ships a local copy of libtiff. That is why I
proposed building gdal without internal libtiff version.

> anyway, the change seems harmless enough to me.. last minute
> changes suck, but so does a SAGA unable to load basic geotiffs.
> it was noticed that as of right now the package hasn't actually
> made it through the ppa build queue yet, so no new packages there
> to install.
The last version actually has no changes except a higher version
number to make sure it is installed (and not the version on

> best,
> Hamish

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