[Live-demo] ORFEO Toolbox in OSGeoLive?
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 14:39:12 PST 2011
ORFEO Toolbox does sound like a positive addition for OSGeo-Live. Thank
you for considering being included.
A few questions before moving forward:
1. OSGeo-Live is targeted at applications that people can use rather
than libraries that are included into other applications. Does ORFEO
Toolbox have a user interface (possibly command line interface) that a
user can interact with and try out ORFEO Toolbox?
2. OSGeo-Live is memory and disk constrained.
Can ORFEO Toolbox run in 512 Meg or RAM?
How much disk space will be required to install ORFEO Toolbox and a
suitable example application.
What datasets would be required for a demonstration? Can you make use of
the naturalearth dataset already installed, or would you need something
3. You mention that ORFEO is in OSGeo incubation. I can't see ORFEO
listed at http://osgeo.org . Have you started incubation, or are you on
the waiting list to start incubation?
4. Stability is very important to us on OSGeo-Live. Do you have a bug
free, stable release, which has been rolled out to production in a
number of locations?
5. I notice the CeCILL licence you use is not listed on OSI list of
licences. Has license been discussed and resolved on the
OSGeo-Incubation list?
6. Do you have a person (maybe yourself?) prepared to volunteer to be
the OSGeo-Live representative, who will take responsibility for liaising
between the project and OSGeo-Live and make sure that scripts and
documentation are updated for each release.
On 11/01/11 21:38, Manuel Grizonnet wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am part of the OTB development team, we would like to know if there
> is possibility to open discussion for the integration of OTB in the
> OSGeo Live DVD.
> ORFEO Toolbox library is develop by the French Space Agency (CNES)
> <http://www.cnes.fr> in the frame of the Methodological Part of the
> ORFEO Accompaniment Program
> <http://smsc.cnes.fr/PLEIADES/A_prog_accomp.htm> to prepare, accompany
> and promote the use and the exploitation of the images derived from
> Pleiades (PHR) <http://smsc.cnes.fr/PLEIADES/> and Cosmo-Skymed (CSK)
> systems.
> ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
> processing algorithms. OTB is implemented in C++ and is mainly based
> on the medical image processing library ITK <http://www.itk.org/> and
> offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
> in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular. OTB
> is distributed under a free software licenseCeCILL
> <http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html> (similar
> to GPL). The library is intensively tested on several platforms as
> Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac. (http://dash.orfeo-toolbox.org/)
> The library use also other OSGeo Open Source softwares : GDAL, Mapnik,
> PostGIS...
> Most functionalities are also adapted to process huge images using
> streaming and multi-threading as often as possible.
> Among other, OTB provides a number of heavily documented
> functionalities as
> * image access: optimized read/write access for most of remote
> sensing image formats, meta-data access, visualization;
> * filtering: blurring, denoising, enhancement;
> * feature extraction: interest points, alignments, lines,
> radiometric indices...;
> * image segmentation: region growing, watershed, level sets;
> * classification: K-means, SVM, Markov random fields;
> * change detection.
> There are also related project based on the ORFEO Toolbox:
> -OTB-Applications : provide command line interface based on OTB
> filters. This CLI are also provided as standalone application (in
> FLTKL or QT) and also as QGIS plugin.
> -Monteverdi : software based on the ORFEO Toolbox library which allows
> building processing chains by selecting modules from a set of menus.
> It supports raster and vector data and integrates most of the already
> existing OTB applications. The architecture takes advantage of the
> streaming and multi-threading capabilities of the OTB pipeline. It
> also uses cool features as processing on demand and automagic file
> format I/O.The modular architecture provide acces to lot's of OTB
> functionnalities : Image Geometry, image filetring and feature
> extraction, learning methods, SAR algorithms...
> The toolbox (and also related projects) are also provided as binary
> packages for Windows, Mac and recently also on Linux Platforms. An OTB
> repository is available on launchpad.net <http://launchpad.net> for
> Ubuntu platforms (9.10,10.4,10.10) and also for OpenSuse platforms.
> Here you can ind detailed informations about access to the source code
> or to binary packages : http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/otb/download.html
> A live DVD is available for OTB (very handy for demonstration or
> education purposes). It's available at:
> http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/otblive/ <http://otb/../otblive/> It was
> not updated since the last release 3.8.
> OTB is under incubation for OSGeo Project.
> Do not hesitate if you need further informations about the project.
> Best regards,
> --
> Manuel
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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