[Live-demo] Re: One week till OSGeo-Live Feature Freeze
Alex Mandel
tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Jan 23 17:44:25 PST 2011
You can find the script at
If you're familiar with SVN you can also checkout a copy of the scripts
and documentation files directly from the server.
I had a few bugs to report about reprojection and Russia but I'll send
those in a separate email.
On 01/23/2011 03:59 PM, Nathaniel V. Kelso wrote:
> Hey Brian,
> Good to hear from you. Yes, I've been making edits to Natural Earth to
> improve the topology for the LiveDVD and improve other errors
> and omissions in the data. I'm waiting for a decision from my editorial
> board on what to do about South Sudan now they have voted
> for independence but haven't yet declared independence. But should know next
> day or so, around 80 themes have been edited.
> Yes, there will be a new data set version published to the NE server this
> week, same URLs as before.
> Can you please provide me a copy of the script so I know which themes to
> double check for the topology errors, please?
> Also, I still need to edit the writeup on the DVD Readme (make it shorter,
> add image).
> _Nathaniel
> Washington, DC
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 18:42, Brian Hamlin <maplabs at light42.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nathaniel-
>> I am looking at the install scripts we use to build our next LiveDVD. They
>> use the public URL to www.naturalearthdata.com to get a prescribed (short)
>> list of vector layers, and one raster layer, at the 10m scale. Using that
>> URL works really well in that the scripts we use to build the LiveDVD are
>> all published, so any knowledgeable user can simply run one or more of them
>> to create their own local system that includes the NE data. This is a huge
>> win all around.
>> Last we left our NE data cleaning exercise, you were reading feedback from
>> the NaturalEarth support forum as I posted it, and making your changes to a
>> master data set. There were just a couple of small changes to be made..
>> Please let us know if a) there is a version of the vectors you are content
>> with to distribute on the upcoming new revision of the LiveDVD, and b) if
>> that set will be coming from the same public URL.
>> thanks very much, and I look forward to another great release of the OSGeo
>> LiveDVD, and the Natural Earth data set
>> best regards from Berkeley, California
>> -Brian
>> ==
>> Brian Hamlin
>> planetwork.net
>> OSGeo California Chapter
>> (415) 717-4462 cell
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