[Live-demo] Re: Which Natural Earth example layers should be included on OSGeo-Live?
Nathaniel V. Kelso
nvkelso at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 16:02:01 PST 2011
Cameron et al,
Natural Earth has over 150 files in three scale sets and is several
gigabytes in size. Including the full vector would be a couple hundred mb
The small selection of files I outline below gives a good indication of
thematic coverage and is composed of our most popular downloads.
Cultural @ 1:10 Million scale
countries (adm-0)
states/provinces (adm-1)
populated places (cities, about 7,000 of them)
urban area
Physical @ 1:10 Million scale
label areas for:
- marine
- land
- elevations (mountains)
- geography points (capes, etc)
Raster @ 1:50 Million scale (smaller file than the 1:10M version)
hypsometric tints (color by elevation) with relief shading
greyscale relief shading
Including the physical label area themes honors the "natural" in the project
name and meets of the needs of scientists using the data, too.
_Nathaniel V. KELSO
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 18:52, Nathaniel V. KELSO <kelsonwp at gmail.com>wrote:
> There have been a few emails floating back and forth about which
> Natural Earth layers should be included on the OSGeo-Live DVD, which
> I'm hoping will now come on list as I feel the Natural Earth dataset
> has the potential to benefit most applications installed on
> OSGeo-Live.
> The NaturalEarth project provide free world base maps at various
> resolutions and in various formats.
> What I'd like to know is which of these layers we should be including
> on OSGeo-Live (noting that we are space limited and won't be able to
> include them all).
> Ideally, we should provide a representative range of datasets which
> can be used to demonstrate all our applications. I assume this should
> include:
> * A point layer
> * A line layer
> * A polygon layer
> * A raster layer
> I expect there will be other requirements that people will want from
> the data. What are they?
> Nathaniel, (from the NaturalEarth community),
> Would you mind sharing your thoughts on which datasets you think we
> should include and why.
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Solutions Manager
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