[Live-demo] North American printing of discs - is the artwork ready?

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Fri Mar 25 00:54:58 PDT 2011


Alex Mandel schrieb:
> Team,
> In about 24 hours Tyler is planning to order 750 discs of OSGeo Live 4.5
> in the North American market. I was hoping Astrid or someone else
> involved with the artwork could double check that the non FOSSGIS
> version is done, available and provide the link here so we can get that
> to Tyler.
You can find the non-FOSSGIS artwork at:



It should be ok. But if you find any errors, please let me know.

I linked to the artwirk in the wiki on the page Live_GIS_Disc:



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