[Live-demo] OSGeo Live handling

Peter Baumann p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
Wed Aug 22 03:12:45 PDT 2012

Hi all,

also my congratulations to the new OSGeo Live version - a unbelievable amount of 
work has been investigated by the team, as well as the project contributors. We 
will certainly contribute to getting it out to the crowd on several occasions 
coming up.

For the next iteration, we might consider a planning that saves some rush. 
Project teams like us are distributed over this planet and living in different 
time zones - so while it is high noon for some activist others might not be able 
to respond when it is past midnight in their place. Further, we all have our 
tons of daily obligations and, hence, may not be able to answer instantaneously. 
We might consider this, although I know - oh so well - the difficult balance 
between patience and pushing the team.

my 2 cents - and again, kudos to the team!

Dr. Peter Baumann
  - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
    mail: p.baumann at jacobs-university.de
    tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178
  - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 26793)
    www.rasdaman.com, mail: baumann at rasdaman.com
    tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882
"Si forte in alienas manus oberraverit hec peregrina epistola incertis ventis dimissa, sed Deo commendata, precamur ut ei reddatur cui soli destinata, nec preripiat quisquam non sibi parata." (mail disclaimer, AD 1083)

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