[Live-demo] Re: Missing "Geospatial" pull down menu
Angelos Tzotsos
gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 15:09:57 PST 2012
Since builds are done over ssh and a command line, I could try to bring
down XFCE while building the DVD...
On 02/10/2012 10:20 PM, Hamish wrote:
> Cameron wrote:
>> Hamish,
>> Are you aware that in osgeolive5.5b3, we don't have a
>> "Geospatial" tab in the top tool bar, which opens up the
>> pull down list of applications, as per:
>> http://live.osgeo.org/_images/osgeolive_menu.png
> yes, see ticket #855
> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/855
>> Do you know how to fix this?
> Alex might. Before digging into any changes, a possible work-around is to
> not auto-login as 'user' upon first raw xubuntu boot, then ctrl-alt-f1
> to a tty login, start gnu `screen`, and run the dvd build from there.
> then only log in as 'user' once all the updated xfce scripts are in place.
> hopefully we can make the already-installed menu change, but it might
> be that changes are overwritten when 'user' logs out from xfce if it
> is logged in to a session during build.
> an alternative to ctrl-alt-f1 is to change the session login type to
> fwm or fluxbox or something minimal to do the build, instead of trying to
> have xfce do brain surgery on itself while it's still awake.
> Hamish
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Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
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